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Scotian News

April 2010

Edition 62


Congratulations to the following Former Pupils who have reached milestone birthdays this month:-

70 Richard Devlin;

65  Alan Brown; Brian Tunmore; Peter Wright; Peter Preston;

60  Richard Ford; Alistair Grant; Patrick Skene; Marc Capaldi; Neal McLaughlin;

50  Mark Watermann; Keith Christie; Name removed at request of FP;

 School News

New e-mail contact:- Stuart Montgomery – in Edinburgh;

Recent visitors to the city:- Canon Alan Finley, and Tony Ward. Photos of both will shortly be on the web in “ Gallery”

We have heard that Ian Cunning, and Roddy Zentil have been ill recently. We wish them both good wishes in their road to recovery. Roddy now seems to be over the worst, and Frank Vernollini is also getting better.

We hear that Maurice Dougan, in retirement, is starting out on a new career as an author. More will be revealed shortly. Watch this space.

We have recently heard from Mike Maran. For those of you that do not know Mike, he is a regular performer at the Festival, and has written many pieces of music for songs, film scores, and advertisements on T.V. He is well worth a visit to see his performances. He has sent the following poster:-

Mike Maran here!  I am taking part in a charity concert in The Usher Hall on May 15th.  I haven’t done the Usher Hall since I played second on the bill to Steeleye Span 37 years ago – seems just like yesterday! In hope of a good turn out I am sending you the attached poster which I hope you might forward to your friends.  And if you’re feeling young enough maybe you’ll come and say hallo after the gig.  See you there!  Ciao!  Mike

Please visit www.mikemaran.com for information on Mike Maran Productions.

We have recently received the obituary notice for Bro Livingston. He was the last Headmaster of the school, but older pupils will find it interesting to see the names he was associated with in his journey through his life in the Brothers. Many names who taught at Scotus are mentioned. The notice will shortly appear on the web page.


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