

Newsletter Contact History Roll Gallery Archive Sundry

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Read the current newsletter.

Please view the new Sundry page with many new items

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Site Map

Please sign our new Guestbook

Please download, complete and return the questionnaire, which will be used in a book that Ricky Demarco is hoping to write about Scotus.

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Make sure you are on Lindsay Wilson's mailing list. Contact him here.

Site Map

Archive - old documents from the days of the school

Contacts - Contact details for Lindsay Wilson (FP coordinator) and Maurice Dougan (webmaster).

FPs in the Press - Selections of articles that have appeared in the press regarding FPs.

Guestbook - Sign the guestbook or read the comments from others who have.

History - The history of Scotus Academy

Home Page - The intro page for this website

Newsletters - Copies of the old monthly newsletters

Penguin advert - A video of the Penguin TV advert that was filmed at the school

Photo Gallery - A selection of photos, including Class and Team photos, special events, Beechwood House, pupils as they are now etc.

Pupils Memories - Recollections from former pupils about their live while at Scotus

School Roll - Either by alphabetical order or by the year that the FP would have graduated 6th year.

Scholl Roll (Deceased FPs)

School Roll (Staff)

Sundry - Page of miscellaneous links to other pages or related Web Sites

The Christian Brothers and Scotus - A potted history of the Christian Brothers at Scotus Academy

The Christian Brothers in Scotland - A potted history of the Christian Brothers in Scotland



This site is
built and maintained by
Maurice Dougan of Saltire Solutions,
Web consultancy


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of this site is
Bridge Systems Ltd


Content copyright Saltire Solutions 2017