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SCOTUS ACADEMY Rector: Revd. Brother N. P. Livingstone, B.A., D.R.Sc., C.P.C. Right Reverend Mgr. P. F. Quille, M.A., Dip.Econ. Head Boy: Michael Smith Prefects: Captain of Rugby: Mark De Luca In September: 1974 Scotus welcomed to the Staff two new members, Mrs Scott in charge of Music and Primary 5, and Mrs. Widdowson to teach French. Bro. Leach departed to continue his studies at Christ's College, Liverpool. Mr. Weatherston has taken over responsibility for the controlled crossing at the school entrance and we wish him well in his new work. We wish to express our sincere thanks to: the Cardinal for kindly saying the Annual Requiem at St. John Baptist's when he also gave the Rector, Bro. Livingston, permission to assist in the distrabution of Holy Communion; Father McGarrigle who said the Founder's Day Mass and Father Holden who said Mass for the School in September and also on Ash Wednesday; also Father H. Gordon, Father M. Donoghue, Father J. Henry and Father .J. Robinson who said class Masses. Thanks also to Father R. McAinsh and Father O. Leyes, Redemptorists, who conducted days of recollection in the Secondary Department with great success. The Brothers spent some time during the summer decorating the Staffroom of the Primary School and Primary 5 classroom as well as carrying out other repairs. Thanks to the help of Mr. Hunter and Bro. McDermott the rest of the front field was levelled and we hope to have it harrowed and sown before the summer. One hundred and eighty-six pounds was collected during Lent 1974 for the Missions in Baucchi and Liberia. Many of the boys took part in Sponsored walks for the Handicapped Children, Help the Aged, and the Crippled Children's Fund. It is encouraging to see the boys responding so generously to these causes. In June 1974 a successful concert was held in the Church Hill Theatre, Morningside. Some of the Junior classes presented extracts from the musical 'Oliver'. Our sincere thanks go to Bro. H. Carton, Bro. K. Rodger, Bro. A.Leach, Mrs Macari and Mrrs McDadefor the time and hard work they put into this and also the stage hands who assisted with the production. A successful Carol Service with St Margarte's Convent took place in December at the Cathedral and our thanks go to Mrg, Quille, Bishop Monagha , Sister Margaret and Mrs Scott for helping to make this a memorable evening. The visiting speakers on careers this year included Capt Turner, R.N., the Edinburgh Police, the Civil Service and Mr. Mackay from Edinburgh Careers Office. We were fortunate to obtain the services of Mr T. Black, Edinburgh's chief Careers Officer, Mr . Bassett, Director of the Appointments and Advisory Bureau at Edinburgh University: they addressed the Parents and boys of the Senior Classes. This was followed by Parents and friends representing the following careers: Architecture, Accountancy, Computers, Civil Service, Banking, Hotel and Catering, Law and Medicine, who met senior boys to discuss prospects in these fields. Senior 3 are following the Careers programme on B.B.C television. Several of the classes went on educational visits during the year. The senior Art students visited the College of Art. A group visited the Actuaries Society and the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Senior 3 paid a visit to USS Sarsfield in Leith Docks. Primary went to a local Fire Station. Primary 5 and 6 visited Edinburgh Zoo and spent an interesting morning on a visit to Corstorphine Parish Church. A number of classes saw the following films: 'Animal Farm', 'Scrooge', 'Man for All Seasons' and 'Doctor Zhivago'. Senior 5 and Senior 6 had a full day conference on the theme 'Living'. Revd. Fathers R. McAinsh, O. Leyes C.SS.R., Sister Christine, Bro. Gillespie, Mr Mayo of the Catholic Marriage Guidance Bureau and Doctor Doharty formed the panel. Mrs. Edie also addressed the Senior classes on Social Work. We would like to send our sincere thanks to all the speakers for their time and trouble they took in explaining their work. At last Her Majesty's Secretary of State for Scotland has fixed a date for the enquiry into the dispute re the proposed development. It will take place on 30 th June. We hope you will keep our cause in your prayers and ask the good Lord for a favourable solution to the problem. We extend our sincere sympathy to the families of Mr. Croan, Dr. Stone, Carlo Tuzi, Mr. Freyne, Mr. Potter, Major Kirkwood, Mr. J. Bremner, Mrs. E. D. Lockett and Bro. Ennis, may they rest in peace. Finally a sincere word of thanks to our contributors, to Mrs. Sobolewski and her students for typing the magazine, to Bro. McGrath for proof reading and to all those who have helped in any way. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following magazines: St. Edward's College, Liverpool, St. Mary's College, Crosby, St. Margaret's, Edinburgh, St. Augustine's, Edinburgh, Holy Rood, Edinburgh, Merchiston Castle, St. Brendan's, Bristol, Prior Park College, Bath, and St. Boniface's College, Born in December 1962, Carlo after attending St. Margaret's Convent, Whitehouse Loan entered Scotus Academy in April 1971, joining Primary 3. He was aha well-behaved boy and he settled in quite quickly. Car progressed in the Primary School and participated in a activities and enjoyed life. While in Primary 6 he be came very ill and was admitted to the Western General Hospital and underwent a major operation. All seemed well and after recuperation and convalescence he returned to School and re-joined his class now Primary 7 in September 1974. However Carlo was not to enjoy good health and returned to hospital where he died on the 7th December 1974. Primary 6 and 7 sang the Requiem Mass at St. Margaret's. A Month's Mind was held in the School in January celebrated by Revd. Fr. Gallagher and Carlo family joined us. We extended our sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Tuzi to Luisa and Raymond on the loss of Carlo. R.I.P. By 8.30 everybody had gathered at the door of the hotel. The guide started to walk down the path and so we all followed. The first few miles were up hill. The path was rough and became very narrow, as we climbed higher. We would have been almost burned by the heat of the sun had there been no shade. The sun had gone down by the time we crossed an open field but even so it became unbearably hot climbing the narrow path that led to a chalet. The chalet was part of the very small farm that was beautifully decorated with window boxes. We stopped there for some drinks but had begun again within five minutes. No sooner had we started than an enormous cloud came overhead and it began to rain in torrents. We put on our raincoats as quickly as possible and took shelter under some trees. Wet through we set off on a long downhill trip. Suddenly we reached the top of a hill, the sun broke through and we saw Tsohierschen for the first time. It was like a postcard. Every window had a box full of red and white flowers and the only noise was the distant ring of cow bells. In silence we walked down to the village, perplexed by its beauty. We walked down a path that was just grass that had been trodden under foot. The verandah where we ate was shaded by plentiful apple trees. Pushing back the branches I saw rolling valleys for miles and miles. Within a few hours I was on the small red mountain, train heading for home. Fergus Christie. S.3.Silence, Stillness, Wonder. The boat rocks gently under the swell of the sea which is dark, cold and uninviting. The pale stars gleam and then disappear in the wake of a menacing mist. Its moisture clings to my clothes like a cold hand. Death hold out her skeleton hand to me. I refuse. I shiver. I feel a presence. I go warm and then cold, warm cold, warm cold. Physical presence, concrete but there is nothing, only the shadows of yesterday. I am without you. The waves move hypnotically and I stare into the depths of the sea, I am alone. What can I do? I am alone. I feel a presence. I am alone and without you, Sudden fear. Now what? Sudden thoughts are unlocked like a spring curling inwards. A snapping of thought. Ruthlessness. A brutal facing of reality. A taste of sweat. I stretch out my hand to touch it but there is only air - a vacuum. There is nothing there, yet I feel a presence. Three people talking. Sharing a bottle of wine. Three lips one bottle mouth. Shadows take the forms of friends a long way off. Shadows, a presence, but no understanding. Absent they are without me; without me they are absent. The moon sinks slowly away, and the last ray of light shimmering on the sea fades as the strange dark mysterious clouds engulf it. I look out over the wide expanse of sea where evil darkness and death linger in secret crevices. The sea becomes still and lies cold and silent. A frozen picture. Silence. Stillness. Wonder. Loneliness dominates the mind's thoughts. A breaking of dreams. Chaotic and miserable. I am gripped with fear. I feel guilty. I am alone. Alone and without you; without you and alone. What will I do? Dark gates. Oh dark gates open up. What is my fate ? And without you. R. Hanna.I gazed upon the setting sun tonight T. McEwan. S.6In the dark P. Kelly. S.1The word KARATE itself literally means 'empty hand (kara - empty, te - hand). Even though most of the earlier origins of this famous art are traced back to China, all praise and thanks is owed to the inhabitants of Okinawa in the Ryukya islands, some two hundred mile; to the South-West of Japan. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, the islands were conquered by the Japanese under the rule of the Daimyo of Satsuma. Just like their Chinese predecessors, the Japanese would not allow the natives' to carry weapons of any kind. But the natives had to defend themselves from their conquerors somehow, so the natives devised and elaborated the system of bare-hand fighting now known as karate. It was the famous Okinawa Karate master, Funakoshi, who later introduced it into Japan itself under the name of Karate-do, or the "way" of karate. Judo is called the "way of gentleness", whereas karate is often said to be "the power way". But many people think that the latter definition is not true. The advantages of karate are numerous. This is because old people, children, men and women can practise it. It can be practised almost anywhere, without special equipment. Given ordinary care, no danger is involved. It can also be practised singly or in company with others. Many people think that Karate, which they see on television, or in the James Bond films, is the true thing, but this is just theatrical karate. So if you intend to learn karate, don't think that watching television or going to the cinema is a cheap way to learn. There are many clubs all over the British Isle where karate may be learnt for a reasonable fee. In karate, as in judo, there are certain colours of belts, for whatever grade you have attained. The grade in Japanese is called KYU. So the eighth and seventh KYU (grade) are both white belts, since you are more or less a novice. The sixth, fifth and fourth KYU are brown belts. These are the grades that prepare you for the black belt. Most people find that they do not want to learn any more karate after their green belt because they find the training more difficult. At the moment the person with the highest grade in Britain is Tatsuo Suzuki (Seventh Dan, Wado-Ryu), chief instructor to the United Kingdom Karate Federation. Karate is not only a way of defence and keeping fit but a sport. Recently is September there were the annual Scottish Karate Championships. In the finals two European champions, Hamish Adam and Robin McFarline fought and McFarline lost to Adam. A.Marjoribanks, S.3.Bob Dylan was born in 1941, in Duluth, Minnesota. Peter Lennon,S.4.THE LIFE AND TIMES OF FRED AND THE CONSEQUENCES FOR MAN Fred is a gnoo G-N-O-O. He is no relation whatso-ever to the gnu G-N-U which is rather large antelope whose favourite pastime is name pinching. Fred comes in the form of a little cuddly furry black ball two huge eyes and a poisonous bite. Beware the bite of this creature. Fossils of the great woolly mammoth have been found without any gnoo's feeding on them; however this is inconclusive. The gnoo is a very smart, switched-on character and would not wait around t be fossilized. Also, the gnoo has no bones and could no be fossilized. But I am convinced that the dinosaurs did not die out because of the gnoo's partiality to dinosaur meat. However, back to Fred. Fred was born under a cabbage leaf. (This is not as strange as it may seem as the rest of the gnoo is made of cabbage, hence the world wide cabbage shortage and raised oil prices. I don't know where the connexion is but Fred assures me there is one. As a healthy gnoo cub (Gnoo's can be tamed and make great pets, excellent watch dogs(?) and occasionally can be used to clean pots and pans with.) Fred was fed on the traditional food of sump engine oil. What his ancestors did for sump oil to feed their cubs while wiping out the dinosaur population is anybody's guess. When he was just one hundred years old, Fred's mother swallowed a loose nut in her sump oil. This by itself would have had little effect had the crankshaft not been attached. So Fred became an orphan (his father had died at his birth so you can work that one out0 and for the next ten years little was heard of him. Then suddenly in 1950 Western Europe was invaded by a plague of gnoos. What Fred had been doing all this time is not known. One can only speculate. Anyway, Fred applied for 563 family allowances but was refused (something about his being under age). So Fred had a problem. But with the true gnoo spirit found a solution. Owing to his liking for sump oil, Fred went sniffing and discovered North sea oil. To get it, all Fred had to do was to stir up the Arabs, leading to higher prices, leading to a search for more oil and the discovery of North sea oil. Economists have got it all wrong. That was the real reason for the North sea oil and is the link from cabbages. More oil meant less hunger and complete happiness among the gnoos. Then Fed passed away. While feeding on North sea oil attaching himself to a pipe line, a deep sea diver squashed him flat. Fred's family avenged him however, and that is why so many divers have been killed recently. And will they stop there? The gnoos are coming; take care! D. Campbell 5.5.AN INTRODUCTION TO THE THEATRE. Last year, in late November, I appeared in the Edinburgh Scouts' Gang Show. It all started in early September when I was invited to take part in the show. I was very interested and knew it would be enjoyable and great fun, so I agreed to take part. For the next three months it was nothing but rehearsing, learning the script and getting costumes to fit. The time passed quickly and before I realised it, the week for the show had arrived. After school on Monday afternoon, I began to feel a little nervous. There was no going back and now in a few hours I would be on stage. When I arrived home I had my tea, packed all my costumes and went to the stage door of the King's theatre. As I entered the dressing- rooms I felt on top of the world and could not wait to get on with the show. I changed into my costume and we were then told to take up our positions on stage. I could hardly breathe as the huge curtain began to rise - this was it. The show began and soon it was allover. I went home very tired but happy that there had been no hitches. Next day at school I could talk about nothing but the Gang Show. I was looking forward to the rest of the week, we had six performances to give. The week went quickly and it was all over too soon. I felt sad the night of the final curtain. It had been a wonderful experience for me and I hope that I will be invited this year to take part in the Edinburgh Scouts' Gang Show. J. Di Rollo S.3.
Congratulations to Thomas Flynn and Leonard Oliver, F.P.'s who were recently raised to the Diaconate. Congratulations to Peter Paleluch, F.P., who recently qualified at the West End School of Tricology. Christmas is here, I can hear all the cheers K. Finlayson Primary 5What is white? What is yellow? What is silver? J. Stewart Primary 4.This is an account of the decline, present and the possible future, or rebirth of the steam locomotive on British Railways. I have written this because I wish to draw your attention to the ludicrous withdrawal of vast fleet, approximately 6,000 in number, of steam locomotives. It is also worth noting that since the steam withdrawal in 1968, British Rail's deficit has grown steadily worse. The major factor attributing to the decline was the rationalisation and streamlining of the railways in the sixties. The man responsible for this was Chairman of the British Rail Board at the time, Doctor Beeching. His plan is commonly known as the 'Beeching Axe'because of the ruthless way in which he axed unprofitable lines. This left many communities isolated and without public transport. About fifty per cent of the network was closed. Most of this was branch lines and 'duplicate' lines. These were main lines running as an alternative route between two centres of population. Only the line serving a bigger population would survive: for example, Edinburgh-Alloa- Stirling route gave way to the route via Falkirk. Because so much track had gone there was a surplus of motive power. Doctor Beeching thought that this was a good time to modernise the fleet. He looked into the future, about ten minutes, and decided that interim dieselization with suburban electrification and some main line electrification. Despite the fact that all diesels cost five times as much as steam to build, and now cost far more to run, the programme went ahead. Four thousand diesels and three hundred electric multiplex units coaches with built-in low-power engines, were also built for suburban trains. Steam was dead by the end of 1968. British Railways were beginning to die by the beginning of 1969. At present there are about six hundred locomotives left in scrapyards like the Barry Scrap Works on the coast near Cardiff. Please note that five hundred diesels have already been scrapped as well. Two hundred locomotives have found a home in active service with the private railways of Great Britain and colliery works and. the like up and down the country. The nearest place where 'live' steam can be found is Polkemmet Colliery in West Lothian. Thirty-four locomotives, have homes in Museums. Most of these are vintage locomotives, many are pre 1900. British Rail still run three locomotives on the Vale of Rheidol railway between Aberystwth and Devilte Bridge in West Central Wales, there are, however, special circumstances on this line which need not concern the layman, they are merely technical details. So much for the past, what of the future? Many people believe that with rising oil prices, the return to steam is on the way. This would be coupled with: a general revival of the railways could continue to run downhill and gather more speed. Raising fares is certainly drawing people away to buses or cars - mainly buses. This has been a short account of the recent history of the steam locomotive and a look into the future. I hope the future will be a rosy one for the steam locomotive. Simon Walton,.This instrument is traditionally Scottish; however the instrument originated in Greece. The instrument was later found in the North of France, Ireland and Scotland. The Bagpipe was also found in Northumberland. The bagpipe in this case, is laid across the knee and played by bellows. The Irish bagpipe is also played by bellows. The bellows are strapped around the waist and worked by the elbow. In the bagpipe world there are many competitions pipes. These are solo competitions and the pipers here play classical pipe music and not the type of music played by pipe bands. Today pipers get large sums of money for playing in shops and hotels. It would be a pity if this traditional instrument was commercialised for the tourists. Alan Macdonald,It was not until 100 B.C. that the rabbit is actually recorded by the Phoenician traders of the Mediterranean. On their journeys, to what is now Spain, these seagoing merchants noticed the abundance of a timid little animal who lived in burrows. They transported some of these animals on their ships to other parts of Europe and soon they became a common sight on the Mediterranean coastlands. It appears that domesticated rabbits were being raised as pets in a few monasteries in France around the sixth century. It was not until the sixteenth century that rabbits really began to catch on as pets. Queen Elizabeth I started the craze, and it soon became popular with the aristocracy. There are many types of rabbit, there are fifty different domesticated breeds. One of the best domestic breeds is the Dutch, which makes an excellent pet and is very popular. It is sometimes called the Panda rabbit. It is coloured the same from its head to its back, with a broad band of white around its middle, with a choice of black, chocolate, blue, tan and grey. Polish rabbit, imagine a rabbit not much bigger than a chihuahua with bright sky blue eyes and you have the blue-eyed Polish rabbit. The Belgian hare. It is one of the most intelligent of the rabbit family. It usually weighs from seven to ten pounds and comes in many colours. Other types are Himalayan, Angora and the lop-eared rabbit. When buying a rabbit it must be from eight to ten weeks old. Notice the eyes, they should be bright and clear. His nose should not be running. If a rabbit sniffs or sneezes it is better not to buy it. Watching rabbits' food is very important. You should never overfeed it. Twice a day is sufficient. His morning meal should consist of grass or cereals, such as bran, oats. Stale bread is also very good. As the young rabbit will be very active at night his evening meal should be large and nutritious and should include vegetables and greens, lettuce, spinach, beet tops, clover, pea pods, dandelion leaves and fresh cut grass and cabbage leaves, carrots and turnips are good for it, as well as apples and potatoes. Wash everything thoroughly so as to eliminate traces of insecticide. Hay should always be kept in your rabbit hutch, so he can munch when he feels like it. It should be kept in a rack off the floor. All foods should be fresh and clean and a sprinkle of salt should be added. Rabbit pellets can now be bought in most pet shops and give the animal a balanced diet. Leftovers should not be given to rabbits and no snacks during the day. Rabbits never eat meat, they are vegetarians. Plenty of fresh clean water should also be available. Dishes should be cleaned daily A rabbit is a simple pet to keep and does not entail too much work. Paul HamiltonIn winter snow comes sometimes deep, R. McCran Primary: 5
The Scotus Academy Wargames Society has existed for the past two and a half years. For most of the time the Club has either fought small wargames in home territory or has fought other schools. At the moment we have only fought the Royal High School, though we hope to fight George Watson's wargames club. Out battles have not been too successful although as the battles are fought we have found that we are gaining in experience. All our battles have been in the Second World War period though we have watched battles of the ancient and Napoleonic period. Each battle a new member of the wargames club commands the Scotus armies. In the near future we anticipate another battle with the Royal High School on the Russian front. In this we hope to be successful. D. Brown. S.4In June 1830 some boys were climbing on the North Fast slopes of Arthur's Seat. They discovered a loose vein of slate in a niche. On removal, they found two rows of seventeen small wooden boxes behind it. These were found to contain tiny effigies of people about two inches long. The boxes were well constructed, about one inch by three and a half inches by three and a half inches each. The lids rested on the tops, on a few, they were nailed down. The back row were badly damaged, the front rows were better preserved. The figures were covered in a single piece of cloth. The boxes were clearly miniature coffins. There are many theories as to their purpose. The four exhibition coffins in the Museum of Antiquities in Queen Street are in the witchcraft case. There are many recorded cases of people's effigies in witchcraft, but the effigies had to resemble the intended victim, all the idols are virtually identical. Charles Fort and Peter Kolosimo, in recent books suggested they are effigies of extra-terrestrial "spacemen". Neither of these theories are adequate and so the questions - what was their purpose? Who made them and when? remain unanswered. C. Kelly. S.5Mark De Luca won the Dr. Doherty Public Speaking Competition 1975 with a talk on Carpentry. Congratulations By yonder bank an angler lies And to the trout the water brings The angler feels the pull of the fish The line has broken the trout has gone J. DohertyUNIVERSITY AND FURTHER EDUCATION SUCCESSES We offer our congratulations to the following who obtained awards in Summer 1974. We realise the list may not be complete and we offer our apologies to anyone whom we have inadvertently omitted. CONLON, Thomas - Edinburgh, B.Sc. Commencing University and Colleges of Further Education AUTUMN 1974 BARTHOLOME, John - Aberdeen, Geography The year 1974 brought to the end Mr. C. Campbell's term of office as President. Also committee members, Mrs A. Shakespeare, Mrs P. Stewart, Dr. Kelly, Mr. D. Macdonald and Mr. A. James, to whom our written thanks are extended for their excellent service. The past twelve months have been full of activity. In February a Fashion Show, in June our Garden Fete and Grand Draw. October saw the Scottish Evening, all of which were a great success. We changed the date for our annual dance from November 1974 to February 1975. This proved to be a complete sell-out, and we will, in future, be holding this event in the month of February. I sometimes wonder if all the Parents of Scotus Academy realise that the Scotus Association is their association, for although at the present time we have a wonderful committee who give of their time and energy willingly, I am sure fifty per cent of the Parents do not enjoy the participation in the events we provide, not only as a money making effort, but as a social get-together. At the Annual General Meeting held in September 1914, which was very well attended, it was my privilege to be elected President. Let me reiterate what I said then: "That my work is made easy by the willing co-operation of many of our members in giving and participating for the benefit of Scotus Academy." This to me is the main reason we exist. To facilitate in any way that we can, the work of .the Christian Brothers. All monies we receive as an association, and the amount to September 1914 was £823.00, an excellent achievement, are given to the school, to provide whatever the Rector and Staff know are necessary for the furtherance of the education of our boys. When one looks around at the ever increasing spiral of costs, every- one must feel indebted to the Brothers for their splendid achievements not only in education, but in making our lives easier with such relatively reasonable fees. So I ask you all to give your association unlimited support in all its endeavours and the new 100 Club I would recommend as a splendid start. B. P. Smith (President Scotus Association)This year the Scotus Academy Fencing Club has had s new members from the First and Second Years. These new members have shown great enthusiasm and promise, and in 1975-76 school year they will hopefully be in teams of a very high standard, capable of winning back the trophies Scotus Academy once held. On a short term basis, individual members from the club have been doing quite well, reach the quarter-final and semi-final of some Edinburgh Schools Competitions, but the team has not yet been properly established. After the Christmas holiday's, there will be competitions between individual schools and we are hoping to do well against the majority of these schools. This year stricter discipline is being maintained, and those who are trying to find an easy option to rugby in fencing have been warned. In this way we hope to maintain a high standard and to improve. M. McEwan and R. Smith S.4The 1974-75 season has proved to be a very successful one for the Scotus Golf Club. The tremendous competitiveness among the members was perfectly illustrated in the inter-house match last March when both teams finished level after eighteen matches. It was particularly encouraging to see the emergence of young members who showed themselves enthusiastic for the game was demonstrated by their performance in the school championships which lasted the whole of the summer term. In this championship handicaps were awarded to the young players, which proved a success, considerably raising the standard of play and giving the more experienced players difficult odds. The results were Rory Christie, Bennett Crolla, Ian Strachan and Bi Main A strong team has been entered for the Aer Lingus School Golf Championships and we look forward to our match with Graeme High School. We thank Bro.McDermott for his help and encouragement. This season, although the experienced players of last year's Sixth Year had left, we still had many boys keen to join. These are mainly from Fifth Year with A. Macdonald from Fourth Year. We have thirteen curlers and have two teams in the Edinburgh League. Regarding successes we have not been too fortunate, both teams have won two and lost three matches. As in all sport lady luck plays a major role, the First team had luck on their side when they beat Melville-Stewarts 12-2; the Second team when they defeated Melville-Stewarts 8-5. The First team was beaten by George Watson's 8-7; Heriots also beat us. Now in mid-season both teams are placed in mid- league positions. The First team having the edge on the Second according to points difference. Success will only come from regular practice. I urge members to turn out on Tuesda3s and Saturda3s for practice and matches. A. O'Sullivan.The Scotus Chess team joined the Chess League in October. Since then we have played five games, three against St. Thomas of Aquins, Leith Academy and Portobello High School which we won. Edinburgh Academy and Melville-Stewarts defeated us. Considering Scotus has to pick six players out of a possible eight the team has done quite well. Michael Smith and Robert Stevenson occupy the top boards. Kenneth Price is the only member of the team undefeated. I would like to thank all members of the Sixth Year for their assistance and dedication; we have no members in the Fifth Year and I hope that next year will see support for Chess and a more successful participation in the League. R. Stevenson, S.6.As usual, several preliminary ties and finals had previously been completed. The New Junior Pentathlon Competition had already taken place and several younger athletes caught the eye with some sparkling performances which gave clear notice to their seniors not to rest on their laurels. Pre-competition tension built up rapidly towards Sports Day. Saturday morning came and the weather was fine, dispelling the usual anxiety about ground conditions. Sports Day had arrived. The track was in good condition and we were sure records would be made. The Macdonald House held a lead of 98 - 70 over the Grays from the twenty-four events that had been run before Sports Day. The Macdonalds were determined to win the inter-house championship again for the second year because the Grays had won it so often before. The first event was under way and everyone fought hard for points and medals. At the end of a hard morning came the relays which had everyone shouting for his house. We all gathered then for the presentation of the prizes by Jimmy Bone of Celtic, F.C. Another Sports Day was over and Macdonalds were triumphant. Gray! departed promising revenge next year. K. Christie
First XV Spring 1915 saw the return of the First XV drawn from Senior 3,4,5 and 6 which formed an enthusiastic and talented squad. After a few training sessions we embarked on our first game against Heriot's IVth and XV. Although we were defeated we played with skill stamina and courage for such a young and inexperienced side. Our next game against a strong George Watson's side and we managed to keep the score down to 4 - 0 at half time, finally losing 26 - O. Again a good performance by all the team. We hope to have a few more fixtures before term ends in May. I thank all the members of the group and Bro. McDermott and Mr. Christie for their hard work and support. J. A. XV. The season opened with a victory over Gillsland Park. This was a difficult game which we won 22 - 12, Stephen Ross scoring twenty points. We came to depend on S. Ross but as the season wore on he suffered several injuries and was not a regular member of the team. Against Stewart's - Melville we lost narrowly 4 - 8. Our best victory of the season was against George Watson's when we won 48 - O. The outstanding players of the season were S. Ross, A. Delicata, D. James, P. Mckay and A. Stewart. A word of thanks to our supporters who turned out so faithfully undeterred by bad weather. D. XV. We have played very well this season and the new in- take in September made a difference to the side. Our best games were against Linlithgow Academy, Bathgate Academy, and St. Augustine's. Our worst two games were against Edinburgh Academy and Heriot's. Both forwards and backs have played well. Bro. Rodgers inspired our confidence and we thank him for his interest. Bro. O'Briain has now taken charge of the team. D. Hunter has kicked well and the leading scorers are S. Campbell, P. Main, D. Chater and G. Dick. C. XV The C XV has been a good strong side this season. We opened with a draw against North Berwick, then went on to defeat Edinburgh Academy and Falkland. We then lost to Boroughmuir and Woodmill. Both forwards and backs worked very hard and the outstanding player has been Thomas Lee. John Kirkman has again kicked well. The team has played with skill, courage and stamina. Wethank Bro. Rodgers for his interest, the F.P.'s who refereed our games and the parents who have supported us. B. XV The B XV had a poor season, losing most of their games. Our first game against North Berwick was lost because of too much kicking. Not many games were played in the Autumn term on account of industrial action. We lost twice to Woodmill. Our next game was against Falkland and we had a fine victory against a strong side. Some of the B XV have now joined the 1st XV and we look forward to a better season next year. LIAM DONNELLY, after a working holiday in OSLO, commences his final year at Strathclyde University reading Hotel and Catering Management. |
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