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The Scotian -
Christmas 1967


Letter from the Archbishop

Our Blessed Patron

Scotus "Past"

Jottings From The Diary

The Library

The Scotus Assocation

The Parents' Discussion Group

The Christian Brothers

S.C.E. Examinations 1967

Scene From The Hill

The Duns Scotus Society

The Houses

Former Pupils

Highlights of 1967

Future Events





Captain: Marc S. A. Capaldi

Vice-Captain: Richard G. Ford

Secretary of Prefects' Committee: Andrew Conlon



Joseph Capaldi, Christopher Kerr J,ack Kerr Michael KoraI, Leonard Oliver, Feter Perr1ns

Rugby Captain: Richard G Ford

Rugby Vice-Captain: PeterPerrins

Hockey Captain: Richard G Ford

Hockey Vice-Captain: Paul Barry

Junior President of Scotus Society: Andrew Conlon

Secretary of Scotus Society: Michael Koral

Captain of Fencing: Witold Miedzybrodski

Cpnvener of Golf: Ian Dickson

"Skip" of Curling: M. Flnucane

VI Form Librarian: Joseph Capaldi



We thank His Grace the Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh for the good wishes and blessing he imparts to this new Scotus venture. This chronicle will provide the link between school, former pupils, parents and friends which the Association Bulletin, necessarily a brief newsletter, was only partially able to supply. Hitherto there has been a marked lack of communication between the school and these bodies; the few privileged have heard something of our activities; the many have lived in ignorance. This we will now relieve.

Our aim is to place on record the events of the year in and out of school, reporting also news of our former pupils and members of staff, Association activities and, in our early numbers, referring to landmarks in the history of "Scotus past". It is not our intention to include articles from boys unless these are specifically on school activities, but so that they will not be neglected we have appointed Andrew Conlon and Michael Finucane of Form VI to act as assistant editors for school affairs. Their assistance has been greatly appreciated by the editor.

As we write this first editorial we think of all those brothers and lay members of staff who steered this school through the early years since its foundation in 1953; of those parents who had faith in the venture; and of the boys who have been educated here and are now making their mark in the world. We hope that they will see reflected in these pages the successful fulfilment of their aspirations, and we would assure them that we will be delighted to hear from them at anytime, always bearing in mind that their anecdotes must be printable!

Education is many-sided and, to derive the best from school, boys must partake both in intra and extra-mural activities, thus they are assured of a sound basis for living a full life. If our syllabus is geared to the academic wheel because of shortage of classl1room and technical facilities, it will not always be so, as with expansion resulting from the building of our new school we shall be in a better position to cater for the less academically gifted. Nevertheless the resu1ts of these pupils in the examinations of the Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board are markedly good, and speak volumes both for their effort and the thoroughness of the instruction they receive.

Out of school the greatest endeavours are made to ensure that the varied tastes of the boys are catered for, so far as facilities permit. Rugby occupies most boys, but others take fencing, go to the Edinburgh Ice Rink for coaching in curling, or engage in cross-country running. Hockey was introduced to afford boys not addicted to rugby the opportunity to learn a most widely followed amateur sport, and for those less physically suited to rugby the chance to represent the school; at the same time, it gives the rugby players a game which can be p1ayed with great enjoyment after they "hang up their boots". Athletics facilities we lack, but the proposed layout for the terraces in front of the school will give us the opportunity to develop in this direction. Golfers are catered for at Turnhouse where they receive coaching from the professional. Mr George Yuille.

Apart from games' activities the Scotus Society provides opportunity for literary and debating, there is a VIth Form bridge club and a chess club. Brother O'Brien's fretwork club in the Junior School and senior boys are members of both the Edinburgh Schools' Citizenship Association and the Edinburgh Schools' Scientific Society. Thus no boy is deprived of some chance to widen his interests. Parents have often asked 'why we do not have many other clubs associated, with schools, such as photographic and phiIate1ic societies. The answer is simple. In a relatively small school the same boys, would be engaged in most, if not all activities and their studies would inevitably suffer! We desire all boys to engage in as many ploys as their time allows so that varied interests may be created in them, but there have been many boys who in their schooldays have so lived a full life in these matters that they have omitted to study - the prime reason for their' coming to school!



We welcome to the staff this year Brother Phelan, well known to Scotus boys past and present from his many visits on behalf of vocations, who comes to us from St. Edward's College, Liverpool; Father George Smith of the White Fathers. Assistant in History, Modem Studies and English; Mr Douglas Smith, assistant in Modem Languages; Mr James Langan, assistant in Art; and Brother O'Brien, master of Primary 5. To those who left in the past session, Brothers Blake and Newton, now in Gibraltar; Brother Smith who has joined the staff at Cricklade, the preparatory school for Prior Park College; and Mr Richard Demarco of Art Gallery fame, we extend the best wishes of the school in their new pastures.

Schools may seem far removed from municipal election interest, but the election by the Town Council of the Ancient and Royal Burgh of Linlithgow of Mr Fergus Byrne. Head of our Mathematics department, as it’s provost gave us great pleasure, and we extend to Provost and Mrs Byrne the good wishes of the school and all those connected with it.

The ski-bug has hit Scotus. Last spring 32 boys under the care of Mr Matthew went to Galtiir in Austria and succumbed to the glories of skiing. We congratulate Roman Miedzybrodski (IV) on his award of a silver medal for proficiency. It is to be hoped that this .trip was but the fore-runner, of many.

Expansion of classes by the welcome addition of the White Fathers' boys from their house at Ratho, since September 1966, means that we now have two first and two second year classes. We have now no Primary 3, our Junior school intake being at 'Primary 4 level where Miss Moran is invaluable in assisting youngsters to adjust to their new larger school life. The additions and subtraction of classes have kept our numbers relatively constant but permit us greater room for expansion at upper levels.

The close connection between the school and St. John .the Baptist's church in Corstorphine is a valuable part of our school life, for here are celebrated our opening and closing Masses. and the November Mass for the souls of the deceased members of staff, former pupils and member’s of the Scotus Association. At the September opening Mass Father McClelland stressed in his address the value and dignity of work, the necessity to study and make use of the gifts given us by God; that the opportunities afforded by parents and provided by the school in preparation for examinations and life should all be directed to His greater glory and our salvation, whatever may be our future walks of life. We can assure Fr. McClelland that his words did not fall on deaf ears and that our boys do profit is best exemplified by our excellent scholastic successes in this past year when more have gone up to Universities than ever before.

Finally we wish to thank the Scotus Association, and the great assistance of Mr G B. Ford, president, for its blacking in .the production of this magazine, and our advertisers who have helped materially in making it a practical proposition.


The wide circle of former pupils and friends that have gathered around Scotus Academy during the past fifteen years are to be found not only within the Archdiocese but much further afield. Through the medium of "The Scotian" it is hoped that these good friends will be kept closely in touch both with the activities of Scotus and with its future development.


The Christian Brothers have done a splendid job since their arrival in Edinburgh in 1953. Despite economic difficulties and despite the changing pattern of education, they have succeeded in building up a school of which we are justly proud. It is my personal nope that “The Scotian " will not only record the activities and achievements of pupils present and past but that it will also highlight the hidden labours of the Brothers to whom so many owe so much.


May God bless those who are involved in the publication of this new venture in school journalism and those who give to it their generous support.



Archbishop of St.Andrews and Edinburgh.




The feastday of the Immaculate Conception on 8th December, a Holy Day of Obligation, is annually observed as a holiday by the school, and in their various parish churches the boys attend Mass.. Making their thanksgivings after Mass all Scotus boys would do well to remember their patron, for it was on this day in 1854 that Pope Pus IX ",declared to be of faith the doctrine that Mary, through the merits of Christ, was preserved from all stain of original sin from the very first instant ,of her existence",* thus proclaiming as dogmatic truth what Scotus had asserted five and a half centuries earlier It is, therefore., peculiarly appropriate that we should have as patron not merely a Scot, one of the greatest theologians of his age., but one with great devotion to Our Lady whose symbols of the lily and star we bear on our badge.

Having a patron would be pointless unless there was something we could learn from his life and example; merely to name a school after a saint or a famous man would be a useless exercise otherwise. Consultation of encyclopaedias, biographies and history books state facts of his life, so far as they are known. Writings of theologians on the works of the scholastics become too involved for the majority of lay readers. The man himself become lost to view and to those boys who accompanied the writer and Brother Blake on the school’s visit to Cologne in 1965 the tomb of John Duns Scotus in the Minoritenkirche there must have seemed almost incredibly humble for one of such stature as he has since been granted. A plain, light stone tomb, resting on the floor, contains his mortal remains; yet somehow it has the stark simplicity of truth, a symbol of his probity, its lines suggestive of the strength of purpose that was his. For although he was scoffed at for his theories (after all St. Bernard had held there was little justification for the introduction of the feastday of the Immaculate Conception, and St. Thomas Aquinas had expressed doubts) and had suffered many moves and interruptions to "his studies he maintained his beliefs despite his adversities. This we must admire. It is also a marked characteristic of the Scot. Constancy of faith was his watchword. The sculptor of the memorial in Duns has captured this look in him, ascetic, a strong bone structure, the clean lines reflecting strength of spirit.

Born in 1266 in the Berwickshire town of Duns, reputedly the son of Ninian Duns of Littledean, John Duns probably received his early education at the Franciscan Friary at Haddington. His uncle, Elias Duns, Guardian, of the Dumfries Friary, was elected .the first Vicar-General of the Franciscans in Scotland at Haddington and may have taken the boy back to Dumfries with him, for there, in 1281, he made profession of his vows as a Franciscan. In 1290 his connection with Scotland was ended when he commenced studies at Oxford, and his ordination to the priesthood at the hands of the Bishop of Lincoln in the church of St. Andrew at Northampton took place the year following. In 1293 we find him lecturing in Paris where he remained for four years before returning to England to lecture at Cambridge until 1300 when he, moved back to Oxford. He was, however, allowed but two years here for in 1302 he was appointed to lecture in Paris. Here he was caught up in the forces of history. Philip IV of France was engaged in his struggle with Pope Boniface VIII over the question of church taxes going to Rome, he himself imposing taxes on church property as financial retaliation; for the loss of French money. The struggle waxed hotter, and the king sought support among the French clergy, hoping to be able to appeal to a General Church Council against the Pope. The bulk of the French hierarchy, the Chapter of Notre Dame and the University of Paris were behind the king in an expression of Gallicanism, but barely one-third of the Paris Franciscans announced their support on enquiry from the king's ministers, John Duns being one of the dissenters. Given three days to leave France, he returned to Oxford where he lectured from 1303-1304. The death of Boniface VIII and the election of Pope Benedict XV eased the situation in France and John returned to Paris University where he received the degree of Master of Theology in 1305. For two years he taught in Paris before leaving for Cologne where he was to die in 1308 after lecturing for a short time in the Franciscan house of studies.

His translation to Cologne from Paris has an air of mystery about it. Was he once again a victim of politics, or had his teachings become an embarrassment to the theologians of the University? We do know that his teachings on the Immaculate Conception were not well received. Could this Scot's theories be accepted as proof of what the great St. Bernard and St. Thomas Aquinas had doubted as justified? But they had surely accepted John's oddities by this time. It must have been something more than this. University politics perhaps. The majority of Paris Franciscans were opposed to King Philip IV in his quarrels with the Papacy, and now the king, who had gained the support of the Knights Templar in his earlier struggle with Boniface VIII, was attempting to suppress the Order to annex their property and wealth to ease the strain on his finances and at the same time centra1ise power in the crown because the Temple was virtually a state within a state. One of the Franciscan dissenters in the earlier cause, would John Duns Scotus once more decline to give support to royal policy, an action for which he had in 1303 been expelled from France? As the opponents of his doctrine were also the supporters of Philip IV 0Cn his process against the Templars. did they hope to accuse John of heresy to destroy a possible core of opposition? It is all supposition, but it does offer cogent reason for the Minister General's order for John's move to Cologne.

Whatever the facts of his life, and the validity of our conjectures, the critical editing in this century of the colossal mass of his writings underline the fact that his greatest work has been his defence of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady in arguments which must now appear unassailable.

This then is our patron, a Scot of whom all Scotland should be proud, Catholics because; of his defence of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, and all Scots for his display of courage and purpose in holding by his convictions in the face of adversity always a Scottish strongpoint.



* Quotation from 'Duns Scotus'. Centenary booklet by Fr. Eric Doyle, O.F.M.



The Academy was opened on September 16th, 1953, by His Grace Archbishop Gray who spoke appreciatively of the Order of Christian Brothers of Ireland fulfilling "a long felt need" on this historic occasion. How long this need had been felt may be gauged from correspondence in the archdiocesan archives. The Rt. Rev. Andrew Carruthers, Vicar Apostolic in Edinburgh, in a letter dated 26th August, 1836, to Rev. Brother Edmund Ignatius Rice, Superior-General, stated: "An ardent wish has been manifested by our catholic congregation here to obtain the assistance of your most estimable Fraternity towards the education of our youth."

This request was reiterated by Rt. Rev. Dr Gillies, Bishop of Edinburgh, two years later, but unfortunately, because of pressure on the Brothers' services nothing could be done to accede to this wish. At last, however, the Brothers had come to stay in that most pleasant suburb of Edinburgh, the village of Corstorphine where was built in 1780, in the form we know it now, Beechwood House, our home.

Built by Francis Scott, second son of the Laird of Harden, on the site of a previous villa, it was described by the parish minister at some time before 1795 as "remarkable for that pleasing and elegant neatness with which it hath been embellished by its present owner" (Col. Alexander Leslie) who had purchased the property in 1786, and sold it in 1797 to Major-General Sir David Dundas. It has been said of the previous building that it caught the eye of the Duke of Cumberland who remarked that it was the handsomest villa he had seen outside of England.

In the last century it was the property and residence of Lieut.-General the Hon. Sir Alexander Leslie, Colonel of the Ninth Foot, and brother of the sixth Earl of Leven and Melville. (The Editor recalls Dr Edward Balfour-Melville, historian, telling him of his pleasant convalescence from measles when a schoolboy, at this his aunt's house.) Prior to the Leslie ownership, Sir Robert Dundas, Bart., one of the principal Clerks of Session and Deputy Lord Privy Seal of Scotland lived at Beechwood. Ending its history as a private house as the home of Sir Robert Boothby, M.P., better known to television viewers as Lord Boothby, it was purchased by the Christian Brothers in May 1950 (Mr Demarco has related that the fact his art room had at one time been Lord Boothby's bedroom gave his ego an uplift).

Since its opening in 1953 with an enrolment of 74, the numbers have crept up to its present roll of over 300. The house was, however, insufficient for our needs and so Medway huts were built as temporary housing pending the building of a school equipped to fulfil all the demands of modern education.

A glance at the Scotus diary shows that the school was not long in establishing itself. Today much is taken for granted, and few people pause to reflect upon the boldness of the venture in founding an independent fee-paying school in .these times. A spirit of adventure was required from the early community and lay staff, and even after fourteen years of existence this remains the case. Just as in those days when there was a "first time" for everything. . . the first time a boy walked up the drive; entered a classroom; sat an examination and passed, and so on . . . so today there are still "firsts", "The Scotian" being not among the least. Assuredly all those past "firsts" blazed a trail of events of happy augury for the present and future!




September 12th, 1953: Archbishop Gordon Gray of St. Andrews and Edinburgh blessed the house and celebrated the first Mass in the school oratory at the altar which once stood in the private chapel of the Marquess of Bute in Cardiff Castle.

September 16th, 1953: The official opening day for the 74 boys ranging in age from seven to twelve. Fr. W. McClelland of St. John the Baptist, Corstorphine, still our school chaplain, celebrated Mass in the oratory for the success of the school. Of the founding community on that day, Brother J. S. Russell {Rector) and Brothers P. D. O'Connell, M. Duignan, C. Kelly, G. Millar and J. C. Hastings, only the latter is still with us. Brothers Russell and O'Connell, who have since died, will never be forgotten by the older "old boys".

March 5th, 1955: first official rugby match against St. Mary's Cathedral Scout Troop XV raised by Fr. W. D. Hamilton, that ardent Watsonian, most .experienced former player and coach. Later that month the first inter-school game was played against a Holy Cross Academy XV which proved a little strong for us at that stage, but the defeat has been avenged.

April 12th, 1955: Pilgrimage to Lourdes by seventeen boys with the Superior. Unfortunately Michael Ashley went to the Royal Infirmary instead! In the following pilg1rimage there was a noticeable increase in numbers, 67 boys and 5 brothers joining those from other Christian Brothers' schools in a joint pilgrimage.

March 6th, 1957: An association of parents met under the chairmanship of Mr P. Bergin to discuss ways and means of raising funds for the new Medway hut and the school. Under Mr Bergin's chairmanship the committee, formed with Mr T. McDonald as secretary and Mr J. McLaughlin as treasurer, did much hard work, laying the foundations upon which the Scotus Association was later established. Their first Garden Fete on May 8th of that year raised over £.1,200 and was the fore-runner of what is now an annual event.

July 13th, 1957 : the first Sports' Day was held at the Scottish Rugby Union's ground at Murrayfield. McDonald House, named after the late Archbishop McDonald, O.S;B., defeated Gray House, named after our present Archbishop, by' 116 points to 94 (a Highland archiepiscopal triumph over the Lowlander ?). Captain of McDonald was D. Gibbons, and the prize list included F. Strathie, M. Ashley, P. Doherty, J.

Regan, D. Lambert, R. Devlin, E. stone, G. Minchella, E. Archibald and R. Macari, all of whom must be considered founders of our traditions for true sportsmanship.

March, 1958: the first presentations for the former Scottish Leaving Certificate were made. The trailblazers who obtained passes at both Lower and Higher Grades were J. Barrett, L. Chrzaszcz,

D. Coldwell, B. Conlon, J. Curran, R. Devlin, P. Doherty, R. Kingham, A. Lawson (later to be our first priest), G. Minchella, P. Nicol, J. Regan, J. Robertson, P. Scholfield, P. Smith, E. Stone and F. Strathie. At this time (March 14th, 1958) Scotus was officially registered by the Scottish Education Department as an Independent School.



These few events, these few names representative of the many who passed through the school in the early years, assisted in creating traditions. Tradition has no point unless it lives and is regenerated from time to time. Tradition is not a written thing set down for all time to remain unchanged, unalterable. Certain traditions, like Nelson's "Victory", become obsolete but the need for, and spirit that created those earlier traditions live on and in re-creation in Scotus adds another facet to our motto, " Decuit, Potuit, Ergo Fecit". Sometimes boys have felt the lack of what they term tradition, for we have existed but fourte,en years, but if in reading these notes on earlier days they add what others, and they themselves have recently added, they will the more readily appreciate that tradition is not merely of the past, but the present and future. . . their future!




Putative rather than actual, the library exists in the form of classroom bookcases and a variety of books accumulated through the years. This is all we can do, lacking a room. The crying need is at present for a good reference library for the sixth form. Here we have a reasonable selection of books on English Literature and History but, even so, insufficient. Short supply, although great variety, causes the sixth form librarian, Joseph Capaldi, to keep an eagle eye on all those who retain books beyond a reasonable length of time.

We are indebted, however, to the Association which has presented four historical maps of Scotland and the world, and has allocated to us £100 for book purchases during the present session. In addition we thank Mr Anthony Crolla for the gift of a beautifully produced American publication of the Bible.



Instituted under this title in 1959, this association is the successor of the parent body which had been formed in 1957 under Mr Bergin's chairmanship.

The aims and objects of the association are to provide capital monies to share the financial burden involved in providing adequate accommodation and facilities for the purposes of the school, and, to protect and further its interests, those of its staff and pupils past and present, and the Order of Christian Brothers. It provides a forum for the discussion of any matters in connection with its objects as outlined above, and other matters which may arise concerning the welfare of the school. It is not, however, empowered to discuss or regulate the internal administration or management of the Academy.

Membership is open to all former pupils of the school, parents of pupils past and present and their friends on payment of £1 annual subscription, or £10 Life Membership. All members will receive The Scotian and other Association news at intervals.

It is appropriate, however, to point out that support for the Life Membership Fund has not been forthcoming on the scale it should. This may be because it has not been well advertised, and so this occasion is being taken to remedy that defect. The committee has decided to set aside the monies raised from life memberships in a special bank account, safeguarded by trustees, to provide an investment income for the purpose of maintaining the school playing fields and also to provide recreational and sports equipment when required. The income needed will probably be at least £750 annually, thus a capital fund of not less than £15,000 will have to be raised (presuming an approximate interest rate, free of tax, of 5%).

In view of the plans for the terraces in front of the school, this fund assumes even greater importance, and so we consider it would be a wonderful development if the tradition could be established of parents subscribing to the fund as a "thanksgiving" in the year following his or her son leaving the school. For one payment of £10, by cheque payable to the Scotus Association, which the president will gladly acknowledge, the reward will be the deep satisfaction of continuing to be connected in a very practical way with the work of the Christian Brothers in Edinburgh, and you will also receive The Scotian which will keep alive your interest in the school.

The Association and its predecessor have in past years materially assisted the Order in helping defray the costs of the Medway huts and the pavilion, and during this year a spate of "coffee mornings", "at homes", two fashion shows and the annual garden fete have displayed the vitality of the Association's fund-raising activities. To all those who have so willingly and unselfishly given their valuable time, assistance and cash, The Scotian extends its congratulations and the gratitude of the school.

We acknowledge also, on this public occasion, the spadework of all the officials of the Association in past years:

Presidents: J. M. Donoghue, Esq. (1.959-61.); J. Clark, Esq. (1961-63) ; T.. A. McDonald, Esq. (1963-64) ; W. H. G.McEwan, Esq. (1964-65) ; J. C. Bartholomew, Esq. (1965-67).

Vice-Presidents : J. Clark, Esq. ( 1961-63); T. A. McDonald, Esq. (1961-63) ; W. H. G. McEwan, Esq. (1963-64); H. Taylor, Esq. (196465) ; Mrs G. W. Gordon (196567).

Secretaries : D. McMillan, Esq. (1959-61); T. A. McDonald, Esq. (1961-63) ; W. H. G. McEwan, Esq. (1.963-64) ; A. Maran, Esq. (1964-65); Mrs B. Connolly (1965-66); B. Grice, Esq. (1966-67).

Treasurers: J. H. McLaughlin, Esq., C.A. (1959-62); H. Taylor (1962-65); Mrs R. Stevenson (1966-67).

The terms of office of all these officials show how unstinting they have been of their time, as were all those who assisted as committee members.




His Grace the Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh.

The Rector of Scotus Academy, Rev. Brother J. C. Ambrose.

The Rt. Hon. Lord Wheatley.

Major Michael Crichton-Stuart.

President: G. B. Ford, Esq.

Vice-President: B. P. Smith, Esq.

Secretary-Treasurer: W. J. Christie, Esq., B.L., S.S.C.,

69 Murrayfield Gardens, Edinburgh, 12,


N. G. Al1an, Esq. L. De Marco, Esq.

J. A. Da-Iy, Esq. T. Eunson, Esq.

J. Davies, Esq. Mrs I. McArthur,

E.F. Jones, Esq. W. A. Stewart, Esq.

J. C. Stevenson, Esq., F.R.'G.S., F.R.S.E..

Mrs R. Stevenson Mrs A. Young



To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas relating to their children's welfare, a Parents' Discussion Group has been formed. Subjects covered so far include "The Sex Education of Children" led by the Catholic Marriage Advisory Council; a talk on "Careers" by Mr O'Malley, the school's careers' master; a discussion on "The Eight to Twelve- Year-Old at Home and at School," led by Miss D. Moran of the school staff, Miss J. Lowe, Mr Demarco and Mr A. Dilworth; and a talk by Mrs Prescott, Craiglockhart College of Education on "The Religious Development of Children."

Plans for the New Year include a meeting at the Roseburn Centre on "'Developments in the Primary School"; a joint meeting. with parents from Holy Cross Academy on "Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life"; and a talk at the Pentland Youth Centre on "Leisure" by Mr T. Smith.

The committee consists of Mrs Conlon, Mrs Edie, Mrs M. Demarco, Mrs D. Lamond, Mr V. Lloyd, Mr F. P. Mayo, Mr W. H. G. McEwan, Mrs E. McGill, Mrs Rennie and Br. King.



Who are the Christian Brothers? This may seem a superfluous question to ask in Edinburgh where Scotus Academy has been in existence for fourteen years, but it may be safely assumed that to many people, even those closely associated with Scotus, the Congregation of the Christian Brothers is a closed book. As you all know, poverty in the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century was a real thing for the majority of people in these islands, and popular education was non-existent. In the city of Waterford, Ireland, conditions were; no better, and probably no worse than anywhere else, but here lived a man who deplored the complete lack of education for the children of the poor. He did not stop at pious words; he decided to involve himself in practical action. This man was Edmond Rice.

A prosperous businessman engaged in trading with England, France and Spain, he had developed and expanded the long-established family business. Married, with one child, he was apparently looking forward to a life of comfort when his wife died. This tragedy did not immediately change his life; he continued to develop his family interests but the state of the children running wild about the streets caused him grave concern. Finally he took the decisive step, and opened a school. There, with a few men whom he paid, but who did not stay long, he began to teach. The school was free, as were the textbooks, slates, etc. His first companions, however, left him, unable to endure the rigours of teaching those who did not wish to learn, but he struggled on, and his zeal drew others to him and his work. It must have been a source of wonder, and probably amusement, to many in Waterford to see one of the city's leading businessmen surrendering his business and devoting his money and himself to the education of those for whom society did not then cater.

With the encouragement of the bishop, Edmond Rice and his companions formed themselves into a Congregation, calling themselves the Christian Brothers. This was the first occasion in modern times that an Order or Congregation was founded by a layman, and this lay tradition is still maintained by the Order as no member may be ordained to the priesthood.

The success of his venture in Waterford encouraged other bishops in Ireland to invite him to open similar schools in their cities and towns. Word spread across the Irish Sea, and by 1830 there were schools of the Congregation in London, Preston, Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton and Sunderland. There was an invitation from Edinburgh, but this fell through, unfortunately, as the Order was already heavily committed. Ventures to Gibraltar, Australia and America were not successful, but before he died in 1844 Edmond Rice could see that his Congregation had spread and was prospering; that its numbers were growing year by year, and that it was doing good work.

After his death this expansion continued. New openings were made in Australia, America and Gibraltar where the experience gained in the earlier ventures ensured that these new foundations were on more solid ground, but strangely the schools in England began to close down one by one until in 1880 there was no Christian Brothers' school left in the country.

Today, 123 years after the death of Br. Rice, what is the picture? There are about 5,000 brothers and around 600 schools of all grades. In Ireland there are schools in all the cities, major towns and some of the smaller towns. The country is divided into two provinces. (A" province" is a unit, of varying size, that governs and administers the schools in its own area.) In what is known as the English Province there are schools in Falkland, Edinburgh, Sunderland, Blackpool, Wigan, Liverpool (2), Crosby, Birkenhead, Hooton, Altrincham, Stoke-on-Trent, Bath, Bristol, Cricklade, Plymouth and Gibraltar (3). Rome has one school, and situated there are the Head House of the Order and the International House of Studies. The South African Province has schools in cities from Capetown to Bulawayo for both "whites" and "coloureds." America has three provinces, Canadian, Western and Eastern, the last two embracing Central and Southern America. There is a province in New Zealand, and four in Australia. Finally, there is the Indian Province. The present Superior-General, an American, has insisted that each province must open schools in under-developed countries, and schools have been opened, or taken over by the congregation in New Guinea: Africa, Peru and the Windward Islands. The English Province is due to open a school in Biafra, or Nigeria, during 1968.

Brother Rice opened a primary school in 1800, but today the Order runs Universities, High Schools, Grammar Schools, Primary Schools, Orphanages, Technical Schools, Farm Schools, Schools for the Deaf, Boarding Schools, Mission Schools, Comprehensive Schools and a Military Academy. These are spread all over the world, and all have come into being, under God, because one man decided to devote his life and talents to the welfare of his less fortunate men.





Total Presentations in subjects ... .101

Passes 72

Compensatory 0 Grade passes ... .16

Failures 13

Pass 71.3 pc (excluding Comp “O”)


Total Presentations in subjects ... . 150

Passes 120

Failures 30

Pass: 80 p,c;


R. DOHERTY: Edinburgh-Mechanical Engineering.

M. C. BLACK: Strathclyde--Business Administration.

R. M.DONOGHUE: Dundee-Economics and Politics..

N. McLAUGHLIN: Edinburgh-Science.

S. TAYLOR : Dundee-Economics.

D. PIA: Edinburgh-philosophy and Politics.

G. F McENENY: Edinburgh College or Art.


Annual awards for meritorious achievement in Senior and Junior School-

SENJQR SCHOOL--'school Captain: D, Pia.

JUNIOR SCHOOL :--from Primary Seven: A.. Lamond.




The premium on space in this first number' of "The Scotian" prevents us giving a full history of either past or present sporting activities and personalities, but in the .next two, editions we will serialise an account of die outstanding events, of the past :fourteen years. For the sake of the record book. 'however, we must mention a few events and names. Inevitably there' will be complaints that some people and events you think of note have been, missed: out', or that the wrong names have been mentioned anyhow, because yours has been excluded, or that of some sporting hero of your own schooldays. But their and your time will come!

No mention of games could be made without paying tribute to the spade-work of Brother M. Duignan, for ten years guided the sporting destiny of the school. We know that all old Scotus boys will join with us in this public expression of our everlasting gratitude to Brother Duignan to whom we extend our best wishes and remembrances. We would also like to thank the Scottish Rugby Union for the use of pitches at Murrayfield; and the Grange Cricket. and Edinburgh Northern Hockey Clubs for the use of hockey pitches at Raeburn Place. Without the good services of these bodies, and the assistance of their ground staff, we would be sadly hampered because of our present lack of facilities at school. However, if the scheme being investigated for the provision of all-weather hockey pitches and a four-lane, 440-yard running track with high and long jump pits, and shot circles, javelin run-up, and two tennis courts on the terraces at the front of the school comes to fruition, we will have facilities for these sports second to none:

The close ties we have had with Edinburgh Wanderers began in season 1958-59 when the writer suggested that some Scotus boys might like holiday games with the Colts XV (later named Juniors) which had been founded two seasons previously: the Colts team against. West of Scotland Colts included D. Coldwell, E. Stone; G. Minchella R. Macari and R. Kinghorn. The writer recalls that at a Wanderers' 'selection Committee meeting he was facetiously asked if he couldn’t find some monks as well as Christian Brothers! Since then the school has maintained a regular supply of this particular Christian Brothers' product. and currently in the Wanderers' 1st XV is John Perrins, who played for the Edinburgh XV against Royal High School F:P. in their centenary match at Jock's Lodge last September, and J. Flaherty, The first Scotus old boy to appear in senior rugby was E. Stone, Edinburgh Wanderers 1st. XV; and R. Macari followed shortly after Captaincy or Wanderers' Junior XV has been in Scotus hands for thee seasons now; first Perrins, and for two years J. Barry. K. O'Hara and H. Ross have both captained Wanderers' Greyhounds (u-19 XV) and both currently play for the Juniors as do other of our former pupils. Indeed two seasons ago Scotus formed 12 p.c. of Wanderers' playing membership.

Close ties have also been forged with Edinburgh Northern Hockey Club which J. Cregan, our goalkeeper of 1966, was the first Scotus boy to join and this season D. O'Malley played for Northern 1st XI on their Yorkshire tour; to make the first Scotus appearance in senior hockey.

In other games, too, we have played our part. P. Smith played for the Scottish Youths' golf team and in 1964 T. Rooney won the Spiers Trophy, the Edinburgh Boys' Golf Championship. In athletics we find ourselves at a great disadvantage because we have to rely on Murrayfield for track facilities and after a heavy rugby season the ground has to be resown, given time to recover, and is generally just usable for Sports Day in July. Our earlier summer closing date has meant that in this past year we could not hold our Annual Sports, and we were in any case hopelessly short of practice. However, the Junior School enjoyed
a limited Sports Day of their own on the top terrace at school.

Perhaps our few sporting honours, appearances at representative and club 1st XV or 1st XI level are very small beer compared to the long and honourable traditions of other schools, but it must be borne in mind that we have operated with small numbers and a shortage of facilities in our fourteen years' history. Indeed it is not even that in a sporting sense, for our oldest boys, twelve-year-olds in 1953 were not of senior age until the 1958-59 season, and so we have had but eight years at 1st XV level, playing generally against heavier sides. Consider that and you achieve a better perspective of our record.




To those ageing purists who protest that school rugby comes before hockey we make no apology. Seasonally, spring comes before autumn.

The 1st XI in our second season at the game, gave a good account of itself under the captaincy of D. PIA. We had at first despaired at the loss of P. G. Ross, centre-half, and captain in 1966, but Pia soon proved himself an extremely competent link between the defence and attack. He distributed the ball intelligently and seldom misread a game. The attack was strongest on the left where the speed, stickwork, hard hitting.. quick flicking of D. O'MALLEY gained us eleven of our goals. His inside, L. DOOLAN, was determined in both attack and tackling back, and his hard shot won us six goals. R. FORD, centre-forward, proved a clever stick player with a deceptive run which exploited midfield gaps he created, scoring six goals. P. McLAUGHLIN. resolved our initial difficulty of finding a right inner who would fit m with our attack, and netting two goals showed future promise. W. ROWBOTTOM, on the right wing, was very nippy and was able to collect hard crosses from the left, bring the ball upfield at speed and place the ball deftly to the back of the circle. The half-backs were welded by D. PIA, centre-half, who gave opposing centre-forwards little rope. P. BARRY, a "natural" at left-half, lacked the power for hard clearances but was calmness personified in his stopping and tackling, especially from the "wrong side," never pushing the ball to a marked man. L.OLIVER, with the rugged tenacity we have come to expect from him, tackled well and was quick at recovery if caught on the wrong foot. His ability to turn defence into attack made him very useful. The backs, P. PERRINS and P. SKENE, overcame an early tendency to lie square and soon learned sound positioning, moving up and down field as if joined by an invisible piece of thread. Only against Loretto were they caught out by a quick, hard-hitting technique. The clearances of Perrin gained in power as the season wore on and he overcame his "sticks" difficulty. Skene, if at times almost too casual, showed considerable ability at left back. The goalkeeper, A. CONLON, was at first shy of committing himself against onrushing attackers, but once he had gained confidence he proved himself a worthy successor to J. Cregan and showed much promise for the future.

Colours were re-awarded to D. Pia, R. Ford and D. O'Malley; awarded to A. Conlon; Half-Colours to P. Barry, L Doolan, P. Perrins and W.Rowbottom.

P. O'M.


v. LEITH ACADEMY-Hawkhill, 21st January. Lost 2-4.
Our first match after one practice. Doolan scored 2 goals, and Leith were indebted to C. Sutherland, their schoolboy internaitiona1 for their four. A creditable performance for our first. outing. They had been at it since September.

v. BROUGHTON SCHOOL-St. Mark's, 4th February. Won 2-1.
The promise of the Leith game was confirmed in the competence of the defence and the liveliness of the attack which brought two goals from Doolan and Ford. Pia's ball distribution, the thrust of O'Malley and Rowbottom, added to Perrins's steady defence all helped. A near-miraculous save by Conlon prevented what might have been a draw.

v. LEITH ACADEMY-Raeburn Place, 11th February. Lost 0-2
A frustrating game because we had so much of the pressure and once more succumbed to the wiles of Sutherland's opportunistic flair, his two goals gaining them the double over us.

v. KIRKCALDY H.S.-Raebum Place, 18th February. Drawn 0-0.
The less said about this, game the better! The hockey was disappointingly scrappy and no pattern in play emerged. We pressed, they pressed, everyone pressed, but no one could score. Indeed any score by either side would have been the work of a malicious fate!

v. BROUGHTON SCHOOL-St. Mark's, 25th February. Won 6-0.
A deserved win. We were in top gear and cross-field fast flicks and hits found their defence wanting. The lack of their captain may have disrupted the opposition who had no answer to O'Malley who scored 5 goals, and Doolan the other. Ford very nearly added to the score after a deceptive run. Pia’s, distribution was first-class.

v. LORETTO II-Newfield, 11th March. Lost 1-4.
A poor display by a defence which allowed itself to be split by speedy cross-hitting which created gaps so that Conlon in goal was peppered by a cross-fire of shots. Our attack saw too little of the ball and our defence persisted in hitting straight down the middle instead of splitting their defence by working to the wings.. O’Malley’s goal from the left showed what might have been. Loretto's speedy cross-field play was an object lesson. Some Ford solo runs lacked support.

v. MERCHSTON -Raebum Place. 15th March. Won 7-2.
They were in the same unhappy position we had been in our first game with Leith, and short of practice they found us a well-drilled side hitting a game. Fast attacking hockey brought us 4 goals from O'Malley; McLaughlin, playing his best of the season, scoring two, and Ford one. Pia's distribution kept the ball rolling (so to speak!) Good crosses from Rowbottom.

v. WATSON'S COLLEGE--Colinton Road, 23rd March. Lost. 1-2.
An evenly-fought first half ended with a Doolan goal just before half t1me. Watson's equalised' and the struggle for what must obviously be the decider was on. Unfortunately we became over eager, and some of our more excitable players allowed their concentration to slip, and Conlon, who had been keeping well in goal was beaten by a shot which would never have been made if our backs hadn't fallen back square. A just result, but only just.

v. MELVILLE COLLEGE-Craiglockhart, 23rd March. Won 3-0.
Probab1y our best game. We were a fast, smooth, attacking force with Pia distributing excellently, and the backs and halves co-ordinating well, Barry in particular stopping and placing his clearances with skill to the open space where we moved well on to the ball. O'Malley's pace, Rowbottom's crosses and Ford's weaving dribbles found gaps which were exploited to give us three goals by Doolan, Ford and O'Malley. In the second half we could not add to Our score, becoming over-confident and the Melville defence being allowed respite to become more cohesive. The first half, however, had seen us at our peak form.

v. FETTES Il,-Fettes, 29th March. Drawn 2-2.
A lethargic first half display by Scotus playing one short. We allowed Fettes too much rope and our defence lay square! A second-half recovery brought two goals from Ford after solo runs from midfield; some crashing shots from O'Malley and a slick hit by Rowbottom failed to find the net. Pia, Perrins and Oliver defended well. Barry gave an object lesson cool tackling.

v. EDINBURGH CIVIL SERVICE-Muirhouse, 30th March. Won l-O.
This was a hard-fought game and a good goal from Ford took us through, plus a fine save by Conlon when they were awarded a penalty flick which might have drawn the match. Itwas a good way to end the season.

Unfortunately our Sunday game against Edinburgh Northern was postponed by the opposition and no other date could be found because of soft ground conditions.

We express our thanks to Mr T. C. Barry and Mr P. P. R. O'Malley for acting as umpires.

FOOTNOTE: R. Ford, P. Perrins, A. Conlon and P. Barry went UP for the East Schoolboys' Trials in November but injury to Conlon in a club game prevented his appearance. Barry has been chosen for further games.


Played, 11; Won 5; Drawn 2; Lost 4. For 25; Against 17.

A C. (VI):


Returning with three colours, four half-colours and two who had played some games in last year's team, we wondered, as usual, what the season had in store for us. Shortage of numbers also added to our problems, but somehow we found replacements, and if some of the "devil" has been missing forward, we have made up by producing a fast running and safe handling back division which has never had good enough ball to realise its potential. R. G. FORD, captain, at stand-off, has matured considerably and has never failed to find and create gaps with his weaving runs, but aggression in the centre has lessened with the removal of L. OLIVER to scrum-half to replace the injured P. BARRY who bad been shaping well there, Whipping the ball away cleanly. Oliver, last year's scrum-half and a very complete footballer with a sound defence and a good boot had made a reliable centre, but M. A. S. CAP ALDI, a hard runner:, has not recovered his form of last season, although his tackling has,been sound if high, P. CASCI, a "find" on the wing has moved in to midfield where he has penetrative pace, but insufficient guile as yet. He; too has tackled soundly, and will be an anchor for next season. P. Di ROLLO and J: J. CAPALDI, right and left wings respectively, have always run hard for the line but seldom have been given room to move as a result of too much cross-field running in the middle. "Lateral progression" is a contradiction in terms, but expressive for what has become endemic. B. A. SMITH, full-back, has been another "find," with safe hands, a good kick, and a generally sound defence, if at times rather casual when slipping an oncoming tackler after fielding.

'The pack has not welded into a unit, although it has had its moments. P. L. PERRINS, vice-captain, has led his forwards well and given a tremendous lead, jumping well in the line-out and showing complete command in all aspects of play. J. B. KERR, hooker, has never had a bad game, and' is often up on the" tight-head count” even when we are being pushed back by heavier packs. Indeed lack of weight and shove has been our failing. I. DICKSON, last season's full-back, had to adapt himself to prop, and after a shaky start is proving himself in his new position, but will have matured in this craft by next season. The second row, P. D. SKENE and D. JONES, lacked shove, and halfway through, A. McMICHAEL replaced Jones and has given evidence of good potential. Jones, youngest at lliIJder-15 when we began, will settle into next year's side. The back row of L. DOOLAN, K. TIERNEY and D. DONNELLY has been given a good lead by Doolan who is always to the fore, quick on the loose ball, and a harrier of opposing backs. Donnelly may lack inches but not "guts," and shows how the smallest can bring down the .largest in a tackle. Tierney covers and picks up well, and will obviously be a very good number eight.

The XV has, however, met with scant success, despite the excellent work done by Ford, a good captain; the early training in which Mr Lindsay Wilson was of great assistance; and the enthusiastic work of Mr Douglas Smith, our new member of staff, who has given unstintingly of his time. The team has an excellent spirit but has too often been outweighed in front so that a potentially high-scoring back division has not had the chances. Weight against us tells in the closing quarter when we begin to tire after holding out well. All this being said, we have not had any routs and our tackling has been generally steady, as seen in the last storming minutes of the Leith game.

P. O'M.

(match reports omitted)

Played 14; Won 4; Drawn 0; Lost 10. For 92; Against 127.
Unfortunately frost caused cancellation of our second game with Holy Cross and postponement to March of our match with “Old Scotians."

COLOURS: Re-awarded to R. G. Ford, P. L. Perrins, L. Oliver. Awarded to J. Kerr.

HALF-COLOURS: P. Barry, B. A. Smith, M. Capaldi, L. Doolan, P. Skene.

R. G. F. (VI.)



The Fencing Club is at present well into the second year of its existence under the instruction of Mr Matthew who conducts two sessions each week, thus making it possible for those who are engaged in rugby to fence on another day of the week. We have a cadre of about forty exponents of the art. Last year considerable progress was made, and an encouraging number entered the Edinburgh Schools' Fencing Tournament in May. Although only one boy reached the second round, valuable experience was gained.

This year teams and individuals entered the Scottish Junior Foil Competitions, but once more our entrants were soon eliminated by vastly more experienced competitors from universities and other schools.

We are indebted to the Scotus Association for the gift of some electrical equipment, and look forward to the day when we are fully equipped in this respect. Meanwhile our fencers engage in constant practice with high hopes for better resu1ts in the future.

W. M. (VI).



Curling began in the school in mid-October when fourteen neophytes opted for this sport on Tuesday games'. afternoons.. A 2 ½-hour practice session is the rule, and the signs are that in time practice will make perfect. We are founder members of the Edinburgh 'Schools' Curling League, but having started later than some other schools we as yet lack experience. In our first "friendly" game, against Heniot's, we won 7-3, but in our opening league match we went down to a more experienced Watson’s team, 2-17. Not, perhaps, an auspicious start, but we believe we will show considerable improvement as the season progresses and hope to improve our league position.

The Inter-House match was played on Tuesday, 12th December with Michael Koral as skip of Gray, and Michael Finucane, skip of McDonald. To begin with play was inaccurate and boring, but as players gained a greater sense of the behaviour of the moving "stanes" play "hotted up" and the last Gray points were largely owing to outstanding curling by David McEwan. McDonald won 8-4.

Our main faults were well exemplified in this 'match, there being tendencies to put too much spin on ,the stone, poor delivery, and inability to appreciate that the skip's directions must be heeded. Curling may be largely individual skill, but the team spirit is also essential. When the league, including Heriot's, Watson's, Melville and Scotus attracts more schools boys will come to appreciate that curling is not a sport for elderly gentlemen of “blimpish" appearance as they seem to think, but well suited to the young man as a game both vigorous and thrilling, and which is to be included in the next Winter Olympics. Who knows but that from our present 20 members and those who will follow them may come a future medallist?

M. F. (VI).



Founded in 1963 as the school's Literary and Debating Society in a semi-compulsory organisation for IVth, Vth and Vlth Forms, this has been the first session in which it has operated on a purely voluntary basis, and is perhaps the year of its greatest success. Tribute must be paid to all who have sacrificed their time to attend the society's meetings.

The highlights of the session to date have been -the inter-School debate w1th St. Margaret’s Convent School; the competition for the "Scottish Daily Express" debating trophy; and the competition for the Edmund Ignatius Rice Cup for Public Speaking, donated by Dr. I. H. P. Doherty.

The St. Margaret's debate was held in the Scotus Academy Pavilion, the first time a debate of this kind has been held on the school premises. Mr Jack Kerr and Miss Sarah Scott convinced the house that the motion "if the Christian God were rejected, a Savage God would take His place" was untrue, ,thus defeating Mr J. Capaldi and Miss Ann Stoddart. It was a most enjoyable evening, both from the debating viewpoint and that of social man, and the committee looks forward to more such debates.

In our outing to Dundee where we took part in the "Scottish Daily Express" competition against seven other schools in the High School of Dundee, our relative inexperience in public debate prevented us reaching the second round. The 28 supporters who made the trip with Br. King thoroughly enjoyed the evening and our two speakers Andrew Conlon and Michael Finucane were assured by all and sundry that they had done reasonably well.

The competition for the school's Edmund Ignatius Rice Cup was a great success. The competitors. Messrs Andrew Conlon, Joseph Capaldi, Ian McAlpine, Witold Miedzybrodski and Kevin Pia had each to propose a toast to "The School" and make an election address. The panel of judges represented all aspects of the school; Mr F. Byrne, the staff; Mr G. B. Ford, the Scotus Association, Mr L. Demarco, the former pupils; Dr I. H. P. Doherty, donor of the cup; Br Ambrose, the Rector, acted as referee in the event of a tie. The meeting was" chaired" by Mr O'Malley. It was an excellent evening, and Mr Byrne summing up the judges verdict, said that he had ,been agreeably surprised by the high standard achieved, and intimated that Joseph Capaldi had been adjudged winner, With Andrew Conlon, runner-up, and Witold Miedzybrodski, third. J. Capaldi will represent the school in the Quill Toastmasters' Tournament.

Hon. President-Rev. Br. J. C. Ambrose, Rector.
President: Mr P. O'Malley.
Junior President: A. Conlon (VI).
Secretary: M. Koral (VI).
Committee: R. Ford, M. Finucane and W. Miedzybrodski (V);
D. Jones and N. Kelly (V); Chas.. Kerr and B. Potter (IV).

We feel that this year has been a turning point .in the Society's history, particularly because membership and attendance is now voluntary, and debates have been marked by an improvement in the standard of public speaking. We .would like to thank all who have assisted in creating the atmosphere which augurs so well for a successful future in particular Mr O'Malley and Br. King. '

M. K. (VI).



Extraordinary rumours reached us that the "House System" was either dead or dying. This misinformation was largely the result of the recent breakdown in communication between school and former pupils when the " Bulletin " became a termly issue instead of monthly. Unfortunately, frozen pitches prevented the inter-house rugby game in two seasons, and twice McDonald had no opponents because, owing to a large number of leavers, and early leavers from; Gray the latter was in no position to field a team, and so McDonald won by default. This year, however, the plans formulated three years ago are being implemented, and full-scale inter-house competition is being run. Hitherto, only the two senior sides have competed for the rugby trophy, but this year and in future, teams representing the houses over-I5, under-15, under 13 1/2, and Bantams compete, two points being awarded for a win, one for a draw. We may now look forward to the possibility of the Junior 'School fighting out the "decider! " The same system will operate for hockey.. There will also be competitions in fencing, curling, and bridge, apart from the usual Sports Day struggle.

We had to delay implementation of plans until the vast McDonald preponderance, at the top of the school in these past three years had left. Now we have been able to equalise house allocations so that there is a disparity of only four in numbers. House committees have been formed representative of all years. As all house wins and draws are awarded points, and a chart showing inter-house pointages is to be on display, the award of an "all-over" championship trophy will be possible. All we require is a suitable trophy.

Another addition this year is the appointment of assistant housemasters to look after house interests in the Junior School; Br. Phelan for Gray, Br. O'Brien for McDonald assisting Mr O'Malley and Br. King respectively.

P. O'M.; M. C. K.



This Autumn term, backed by a great spirit of enthusiasm, which prevailed throughout the House, McDonald succeeded in winning the one House trophy which was completed, and in creating a lead in the other two events staged.

Owing to the unfortunate weather conditions only the senior House rugby match could be played and, despite the attempts of our opponents to play with an extra man, this exhilarating tussle resulted in a 3-0 winning margin for McDonald. However, if I picked out any outstanding players in this match, it would be contrary to the tremendous team spirit, which was developed by intense pre-match preparations. The first-ever Curling match also produced a victory for McDonald, who were excellently skipped by M. Finucane, and finally, in the first-ever Bridge match 'McDonald have secured an almost invincible position.

Our overall performances, therefore, have given us the lead in the House Championship-a position which we are confident of maintaining in this coming year. This, of course, can only come about with the undivided co-operation and additional effort of all members of the House both in the Senior and Junior School,




This year Gray made an unhappy beginning against McDonald. The one event completed so far has ended in victory for the opposition.

The first of the events was the rugby match which we lost 3-0 the only score coming from a push-over try. Marc Capaldi and Peter di Rollo made some excellent efforts to save the game and Peter Perrins, vice-captain, led the pack splendidly against much heavier and more experienced forwards. Antony Hetherington and David McGrory, both newcomers to a match of such importance, 'also did exceedingly well. In the final minutes Gray rallied and the final whistle was most unwelcome.

The other event he1d was the Curling match. Skip Michael Koral and his "Three Musketeers" began unhappily but improved as the game progressed, finishing with some splendid shots. Alas, their efforts were not enough and they were defeated 8-4.

Gray's are slightly in arrears at the moment but with four events remaining are still in with a great chance of winning the Inter-House Competition.




1967 saw the F.P. Club slowly expanding, our numbers being increased by some of the '66 school le avers, and later by several who left school this summer. The club depends on the continuing influx of new members for its continued success and expansion. The Club's main function is to enable past pupils of Scotus to keep in touch with each other by regular monthly meetings and by other organised social and sporting occasions. The success of these ventures depends; entirely upon support and attendance by the F.Ps. Every past pupil of Scotus, whether new or old, should make some attempt to attend either some of our regular monthly meetings, which are held on the first Monday of every month in the" Lorna Doone" situated in the High Street, Edinburgh, or one of our other functions arranged at various times throughout the year. However, owing to the high cost of postage, and also the fact that in the past the sending out a large number of circulars produced very little response, notices are now only sent out to members of the Club and those known to be interested. If those who do not hear from the Club or those who are no longer in the district, and cannot attend any of the meetings or functions, get in ,touch with one of the Committee they will be glad to send them any relevant information. Paid-up members of the Club will also receive a copy of .” The Scotian."



Or, Sunday, 5th February, a football XI paid its annual visit to Drygrange where we had an enjoyable game and were afterwards entertained to tea. Owing to unforeseen circumstances the team lacked jerseys but manager Laurence Demarco supplied the deficiency. Somehow our team played the whole game with 12 men, the extra player being unnoticed by the Drygrange team. Despite this advantage we still lost 1-2.

The rugby team fared no better when they played a Holy Cross Academicals team on Tuesday, 18th April. This time our team did not have the advantage of an extra p1ayer. In an exciting game Holy Cross won by 16 points to 6. Our defeat may be partly due to the root that some of our team members play regularly for Holy Cross.

This year a Golf sub-committee, comprising of Messrs G. D'Agostino, D: Minchella and T. Kyle, was set up to organise a golf tournament. This they did very successfully, the two main events being well attended. The first competition, held at Gullane, was won by D. Minchella. The second outing, to North Berwick.was even better attended. The main competition being won by U. D' Agostino and the secondary competition by H. McLaughlin. The overall winner of the tournament was M. Nugent. Thanks to G. D'Agostino a cup for this event was later presented to D. Minchella on M. Nugent's behalf.

Our dance was held in the Marina Hotel on Friday,11th November. Unfortunately, this was during the bus strike which adversely affected the attendance. . There were just under a hundred present. Those who were there thoroughly enjoyed themselves and a picture appeared in the "Leith Gazette."

The main event of the year, the Annual Dinner, took p1ace on Wednesday, 1st November in the Grosvenor Hotel, With J. Davies in the chair. The number attending this function increases every year. This year there were 42 present, the guests including Rev. Bro. King, who represented the Rector; Rev. Br. Forde; Mr G. Ford, President of the Scotus Association; Mr T. Matthew, representing the school staff; and Marc Capaldi; the school captain. We must also mention Mr Fergus Byrne who attended not as a guest but by right as an honorary life member of the Club. The guests were welcomed by G. D'Agostino. The toast to the guests was proposed by N. Allan, and replied to by Mr T. Matthew. Mr G. B. Ford proposed vote of thanks. The golf trophy was presented by Mr F. Byrne.

Our A.G.M. took place on Monday, 6th .November. It was noted that the past year had been an important Year in the Club's history in that a constitution had at last been formally approved by the members. The main business was the election of a new committee. The members present returned the same committee to office, namely:-E. Jones (president); J. Davies (Treasurer); and N. Allan (Secretary). On the golf sub-committee T. Kyle was replaced by D. DeLuca.

Congratulations are due to the following:-

ENGAGEMENT: Mr G. Minchella to MISS Monica Barry.

MARRIAGES: Derek Everest, Mike Ashley, Ron Kingham, Alan Brown, Ian Cunning, Eddie Jones. Andrew Robertson.

And to the following on the birth of a child-

Mr and Mrs J. Regan; Mr and Mrs D. Minchella; Mr and Mrs G. D'Agostino.

And also to James Clark, Kenneth Gilhooley and Frank Malcolm who obtained Honours Degrees at Edinburgh University.

Mike Bergin is now on the Art staff at the Royal High; and John Davies has joined the staff of the X-ray department at the Infirmary.

The following have recently left the district-

Terry Egan to Middlesbrough; James Murdoch to Aberdeen; James Moran to Inverness; Stuart Taylor to Dundee; James Walshe to Manchester; Iain Cunning and Bertie D'Agostino to Dublin.



Unfortunatte1y frost caused postponement of our rugby match with the School, but a further two games have been arranged for the near future against an Edinburgh Wanderers XV and an Old Aloysian XV. A hockey match against the School will also be arranged for April.

The summer golf programme is being arranged with, probably, outings to Carnwath and Aberdour.

A dance will probably take place before Easter, and the Dinner will be some time in November, 1968.

J. DAVIES, Treasurer.



We regret that pressure on space in this first number has not permitted us to make mention of the hockey and rugby results of all the junior teams, and we would assure them that future magazines will remedy this omission.

We recognise that there is justification in the comments made whi1e the material for this first chronicle was being collected, that space should be found in future for Junior School news. Our next number will, therefore, allot a page for this purpose. In addition We will run a competition throughout both Senior and Junior School for two articles for inclusion in "The Scotian", the winners to be awarded book tokens by the editor, as well as the pleasure of seeing their essays in print. Timeous notice will be given of the date by which contributions must be handed to the assistant editors for their selection of the best manuscripts, thus they will be written by boys, and the awards made by boys in, we hope, as democratic ,a manner as anyone might wish.




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